

Friday, March 11, 2011

Answering the Call

So, I'm doing it.  I'm joining the blogging bandwagon...  
I'm a working mom of almost 2 children.  My little man will be a year old this month and my princess will be here in 9 weeks.  Yes, that's what I said, 9 weeks.  They will be 13 months apart- what was I thinking right?  I was thinking...well, I wasn't thinking anything.  I've always said I would be the next Michelle Duggar if I could be.  I couldn't believe how madly in love with my son I fell and I figure a second gift will be just as spectacular, so why not have another if that's what God has planned.
I love being a mom.  I know it's the greatest calling on my life and I've been dedicated to answering the call on my life for several years now.  I still have days when I wonder what the heck I'm here for and if I'm doing anything God wants me to.  Then there are days when everything is in place and I know I'm on the right track.

I want to be the wife my husband deserves, my son's biggest cheerleader and my daughter's example of a strong Christian woman.  I think that's a pretty decent answer for the call I've been given.

1 comment:

  1. Hi sweetie! I'm follower #2! You will have to come follow my blog now too! Can't believe you are 9 weeks away from child #2! That 9 months went by in a hurry! From where I sit, I think you are all of the things you hope to be. The thing I'm having trouble getting my brain to accept is that you girls are THIRTY! Wowzers, where did those years go? I still remember your giggling in the car like it was yesterday! Have a wonderful weekend! We'll be in the city in the morning to watch dear daughter run the St. Pat's Day Run downtown - we'll be thinking about you! Hugs...
