

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

BrAiN dEaD...

There comes a point in pregnancy where a woman goes completely brain dead.  I have officially reached that point.
I'm sitting at my desk with a million thoughts of things I need to be doing to prepare for Brooklyn's arrival both at home and at work.  So many things in fact that I can't pick one.  I sleep, but don't feel rested and am in a steady round of hip/back pain that keeps me distracted.  Brooklyn is slowing in her movements, but picking up in weight and definitely running out of room in there.
On one hand, I can't wait for her to get here so I can meet her and get to know her.  (Not to mention, no longer be sharing a body with her) On the other hand, I have plenty of anxiety of how I'm going to handle the additional responsibility of caring for a newborn again, physically recover from surgery, ride the hormone roller coaster and then transition back into work.  It's all a bit much to handle right now and I'm trying to come up with answers to questions that haven't been asked yet.
We've had a crazy month at work, with more than enough change in staffing placement.  We've made a shift in what teachers work what room and everyone is trying to settle and still care for the kids in their room while maintaining some sort of sanity.
As I sit here, my stress level is off the charts and I just want to take my baby boy, go home and cry.  I'm so tapped out with drama and stupidity and just wish people would take a deep breath, realize that some details aren't important and get their priorities straight.
So, enough of my hormonal rant.  I'll re-focus, lead by example and put on my big girl panties and deal with it.
God never gives us more than we can handle, right?

1 comment:

  1. Hi kiddo...wish I had some answers for you. My food for thought on MY blog today was: If you grasp tomorrow with faith, the handle won't fall off. Remember that not long ago, you cared for a newborn, recovered from surgery, and made the transition back to work. I know that with your wonderful husband helping you through the bad days, you will do so again. As for work stress, keep in mind that no matter what you do or don't do, you will only please some of your staff. You can't fix the drama and the stupidity of others. All you can do is pray your way through times like this, and know that they ARE looking to you for leadership. Lead them well, as you know you can, and look forward to your recovery time after baby as a chance to refresh yourself, and trust that God won't give you more than you can handle. When I was certain that I could not make it through one more day of work, Melissa kept reminding me to hang in there. She also sent me a note reminding me that Proverbs #:5, 6 says to "trust God from the bottom of your heart; don't try to figure out everything on your own. Listen for God's voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; He's the one who will keep you on track." I had a wonderful support system with my husband, son, and daughter, and the impending 'breakdown' that I was certain would happen, was prayed away. Just make sure that you have lots of those big girl panties, and let your support system be there for you! Hugs and blessings....mommg g...
